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fate forever. The combined rhythm of their bodies led them to an orgasm that left them
both shaking.
 Don t leave, Violet pleaded as she clutched him to her.
 Never, Nathaniel swore. He would pledge his troth to her forever.
* * * * *
 It s almost midnight. Violet held Timmy the cat to her breast almost as if she
wanted to believe he could ward off evil.
 Yes. Nathaniel stood and waited quietly.
 What if& 
Nathaniel s hand caught hers and held tight.
 It will work out as it s meant to, Violet.
Amarinda Jones
 We cannot have met only to part so quickly, beauty.
 No. She watched as both hands on the wall clock met at twelve. Violet looked
around her warily. She saw no one but herself and Nathaniel. A surge of relief rushed
through her body. It was soon crushed when a chilling coldness swept through the
room. The hair on the cat she held curled in one arm stood on end. Violet was unable to
contain the struggling ball of fur as it panicked to free itself.  The cat! Violet made a
grab for it as it shot from her arms.
Nathaniel pulled her close and kissed her softly.
 Let it go. We ll fight this regardless.
That he was so strong and positive imbued her spine with steel as she stood with
him. With Nathaniel by my side I can do anything.
 Dread, Black Pete called as he appeared before them, a wicked looking cutlass in
his hand.
 I have no weapon, Nathaniel said as he spread his hands to show they were
Black Peter chuckled with evil mirth.
 That s not my problem.
 You always were a mongrel dog. Nathaniel pushed Violet from him.
Black Pete laughed and eyed Violet lasciviously.
 Is she good to fuck? She looks like she would enjoy the thrust of a man s hard
Nathaniel looked at him as if he was scum.
 Are you here to try to kill me or to confirm that you are as detestable as I have
always known you to be? His words were calm yet deadly as if he was trying to
conserve his energy for the battle to come.
 You always were too high and mighty, Dreadnought. Black Peter thrust his blade
at him.
Shiver Me
Violet s heart almost stopped as Nathaniel ducked the blade. She looked around
her. There was nothing she could defend herself with except the big ugly vase she had
received as a gift from Aunt Zeta. Violet picked it up and threw it at the pirate
momentarily turning his attention from Nathaniel to her.
Nathaniel used that moment to charge his enemy, grabbing hold of his sword hand.
The two men struggled over possession of the blade.
 You will die at my hand, Dread, Black Pete howled in rage, his eyes boring into
 Don t be so fucking sure, you cur.
Violet stood by helplessly knowing there was little she could do but pray. As if in
answer to her prayers the cat suddenly appeared and cried out as if in pain, Timmy
jumped straight up and viciously struck out, scratching Black Pete s face. He bellowed
loudly and used his free hand to lash out at the cat sending it flying across the room. It
hissed in anger as it landed hard and scampered away.
Violet stood awestruck as she saw Black Pete s skin start to peel and the smell of
rotting flesh began to permeate the room. They had won. She looked at Nathaniel just in
time to see Pete strike out wildly with the blade piercing Nathaniel s left shoulder.
Violet heard herself scream when she saw him stagger in pain as Black Pete fell to
the ground. She tried to reach out to Nathaniel but it was almost as if something held
her back. She struggled to free herself.
 Violet, I will always love you.
 Nathaniel, she called as the room suddenly became overpoweringly bright,
blinding her to any glimpse of him. Everything around her shook and objects crashed to
the floor. Violet fought to see Nathaniel but it was impossible due to the while light and
chaos that enveloped the room.  Nathaniel! She felt her body tremble as a strange
feeling of lethargy sapped all energy from her body. Violet could not stop herself falling
as the room spun out of control.  Nathaniel, she whispered as everything around her
went black and she crashed to the floor.
Amarinda Jones
* * * * *
When Violet awoke she was on her own bed. It took a moment for her to remember
what had happened. She looked around her wildly. Where was Nathaniel? She jumped
out of bed and raced to the living room, her head pounding and her stomach churning
with panic.
Her living room looked no different from any other day. There was no sign of a
fight, no bodies, no Timmy the cat and Zeta s ugly vase was untouched and sitting
where it always sat.
 Nathaniel, she called out desperately but no answer came. She searched for the
suitcase his bones had been housed in but it had gone. Violet felt a wave of lonely
despair wash over her.
 I know he was here. It was no dream. She could still feel the heat of him inside
her and his touch on her skin. She lifted her nightdress and saw bruises from his
possession of her willing body.  Nathaniel, she called, hearing the fear in her own
voice. There was no answer.  Please Nathaniel! Only silence greeted her words.
An overwhelming need to slump to the ground and cry almost took hold of Violet
but she knew that would get her nowhere. She was not a weak pathetic woman. Violet
needed to think. Nathaniel was real. She refused to believe he was dead or what she d
experienced had never happened. She paced as she tried to remember everything that
occurred over the last couple of days. What was it Nathaniel had said? He had been
cursed at midnight. Violet remembered she had summoned him to her at midnight and
that same hour had seen the fight between him and Black Pete take place. Maybe she
could bring him back to her again tonight? She put her hands to her head and
wondered if she was losing her mind. Was she clutching at straws? How the hell could
she bring Nathaniel back?
 You are nuts, Violet told herself out loud.
But you love him.
Shiver Me
Violet spun around at the sound of a woman s voice. Who was that? It sounded like
Aunt Zeta but how could that be? But then nothing was particularly normal in her life
at that moment.
 Auntie Z? Or am I talking to myself?
Yes dear.
 Really? She wanted desperately to believe it was her aunt come back to help her
but how could that be?
You can make love with a pirate from 1728 but you doubt your aunt can come and visit?
The amusement in Zeta s voice sent a wave of relief through Violet s body.
 But you re er, dead. She looked around trying to see the familiar face of her
I know dear. Now, about your Nathaniel.
 He s not mine and he s gone. The urge to cry was so close to the surface.  I m not
sure he ever existed. She heard her aunt sigh in disappointment.
Violet you always struck me as being very sensible. Don t be foolish now. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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