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raised his hand and knocked. Seconds ticked by as
he waited. The door slowly swung open.
Heat rushed to his cock with just a glimpse of
the woman before him. It didn t help that she wore
only a short, silky robe, her hair damp, looking sexy
as hell. Well, sexy except for the pissed-off look on
Ann Campbell
her beautiful face.
 What do you want, Quinton? She crossed her
arms under her breasts, causing the material to part
and giving him an enticing glimpse of her tanned
 I wanted to come by and check on you. To make
sure you were okay after everything that happened
today. If the look on her face didn t give enough of a
clue to her mood, the finger tapping rapidly against
her left arm was a good indicator.
Sparks flashed in her blue eyes.  Yeah, well, as
you can see, I m fine. So, if you ll excuse me. She
moved to close the door.
Quinton threw his hand out and stopped the oak
door just before it closed.  What s wrong? Her tone
confused him. Was she pissed that they d had sex or
was it simply discovering someone she worked with
was responsible for so many of the missing animals?
 What s wrong? Kate jerked the door open and
pinned him with a frosty glare.  Let s start with the
most recent issue and work our way back, shall we?
She didn t wait for his reply.  I was questioned by
police and game wardens for hours. I just found out
a fellow co-worker has been poaching animals from
the park and selling them for profit. I can t account
for a mountain lion that was in my possession last
night and I don t have a good reason for what might
have happened to him. At least not a good reason
that will keep someone from getting fired, because
as best I can tell, you must have taken him.
 Me? Quinton swallowed.
She nodded.  He was locked up when I went to
sleep, but when I got up this morning he was gone. I
figure when you got there last night, you were
shocked as hell to see me sleeping in the back and
the only way you could think of to distract me so you
could get him out, was to fuck me.
 I didn t sleep with you to distract you. There is
Purr-fect Man
no way I would ever do anything to hurt you. I slept
with you because I wanted you, needed you.
Anger rolled off her in waves.  Just the icing on
the cake, right? Kate balled her fists and planted
them on her hips.  Where is he?
How was he going to explain this one?  I can t
tell you. Her furious huff echoed in his ears.  But
he s fine. I can tell you that.
She shook her head.  I don t believe you. After
everything that has happened in the last twenty-
four hours, I want to see him with my own eyes.
Fear gnawed in his belly. Kate was a
determined woman. If she had it in her mind to see
the cat, nothing else would satisfy her. But it was
impossible. He d never shifted in front of anyone.
 I don t think that s possible. No one knew his
secret and, as much as he wanted to be a part of
Kate s life, he just wasn t sure how she would react
to the truth.
She cocked her head and glared at him.  Really?
Well, let me just say that if you don t produce that
lion, I m calling the cops and telling them you had
something to do with his disappearance.
God, this woman was hard headed. Not that he
could really blame her. If someone spouted this line
of shit to him, he d be hard pressed to swallow it
without a fight, too.  Can t you just trust me on
 I can t trust anyone at this point. I feel like I
haven t gotten a straight answer since I started
working here.
Pain clenched his heart. His actions had made
her wary of him and his intentions toward her.
Quinton knew there was only one way she would
understand. Understand who he was and put right
all the doubts she harbored.  It means a lot to you,
doesn t it? To make sure he s okay?
A silent nod was her only response.
Ann Campbell
With no other option, he drew in a deep breath.
 Can I come in?
Without a word, she stepped aside and gave him
room to come through the open doorway. He eased
past her and turned as she closed the door. This was
it. He knew what he needed to do to earn back at
least some of her trust. He jerked the worn cotton T-
shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor. No
sense ruining his clothes to set her mind at ease.
He had his first boot off by the time she turned
around to face him.
 What the hell do you think you re doing? She
jammed her fists onto her hips and stared at him,
her eyes wide.
Quinton pulled off the second boot and let it fall
to the floor with its mate.  Giving you what you
want. Next came the socks.
 You think I want sex? Now? She shook her
head and rolled her eyes.  Just like a man to think
the only reason a woman lets him into her home is [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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