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Mystic Keepers 2: Zylott Wars (Collection)
by Aubrey Ross
Chapter Four
Nyx stared at the Veil Keeper's fierce scowl, torn between
anger and amusement. He had to earn her trust or she'd
never take him willingly into her body. Tension banded his
abdomen at the thought. He didn't want to want her, but his
body ached just looking at her. This should be a sacrifice, the
necessary means by which he would facilitate his revenge. He
must feel nothing for her but lust.
So why did you tell her your name? Few knew his given
name. Even his family called him by his title.
I've also heard he's extremely handsome and can create
sensual frenzy with the power of his gaze. If she'd only heard
his appearance described, it was doubtful she would recognize
him. Nyx hesitated a moment longer, then lit a candelabra
near the table.
She blinked, staring up at him with wide, crystal blue eyes.
Her body was lost in his robe. The black fabric made her face
appear pale, fragile, and accented the silver/gold splendor of
her hair.
"I thought you were a healer." She glanced at the
flickering candles suspiciously.
"Healing is my strongest ability. You already know I
possess others." A bright blush spread across her cheeks and
she averted her gaze. "Shall we have something to eat?" Her
gaze snapped back to his face. He smiled and proffered his
Mystic Keepers 2: Zylott Wars (Collection)
by Aubrey Ross
Ignoring the offer, she struggled to her feet. The wide
neckline of his robe drooped temptingly across her breasts.
She adjusted the garment, and one side slipped off her
shoulder. Candlelight danced across her smooth skin,
beckoning his touch, his kiss, the languid stroke of his
He motioned toward the table, waiting for her to proceed.
She crossed her arms over her breasts and glared at him. Her
hair cascaded to her waist, the color a dramatic transition
from rich gold at the roots to pale silver at the ends. Frost
Keeper hair.
"What does your master gain by you seducing me?"
"His motives have no bearing on the outcome. The end
became inevitable when you fell out of the sky and landed in
his lap."
Her gaze narrowed and her lips pressed into a stubborn
line. "The only thing inevitable about this situation is your
failure. Did you show him your finger? Can you imagine what
the shield will do to your..." She gestured in the general
direction of his groin.
"I don't want to argue with you."
"No, you want to fuck me."
He chuckled and turned toward the table leaving her in the
middle of the sitting room. The guest suite was luxurious.
He'd thought more comfortable surroundings might put her at
ease. Apparently, he'd underestimated her stubbornness.
Filling two goblets with wine, he returned to his hostile
companion and handed her one. "You gave yourself to me
willingly when you believed I was a dream."
Mystic Keepers 2: Zylott Wars (Collection)
by Aubrey Ross
"You're a manipulative bastard and you shouldn't have
brought that up." She paused to smell the wine before taking
a generous gulp.
"What are trainees told about the mystic shield? Is it
mandatory or something you choose?"
She meandered past him and headed for the table. "Why
should I answer your questions when you won't answer
"I will answer three questions, so choose them carefully."
"Is Lord Nyx your master?"
He shook his head, disappointed by her haste. "You know
Lord Nyx is my master. You just wasted your first question."
She licked her lips, staring down into her wine.
"Seek the answers you need not those you want. I will not
make this offer again."
"What must I do to be set free?"
He smiled. "Now that is a very good question. You must
return to my master what was stolen from him by the Sacred
Order of the Veil. Then, and only then, will you be free to
return to your dimension."
"What has this to do with your seducing me?"
"Is that your final question?"
"No." She tossed her hair behind her shoulders, holding
the robe in place with her hands. "You're trying to confuse
me, not inform me. I hate playing games."
He swept his hand toward the table. "Why don't we sit and
partake, while you figure out how to best me."
Her expression distant and thoughtful, she slipped into one [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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