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Ben nodded, shoving the alarm clock off the nightstand and lying back down. Even though
Mason had seemed fully awake moments before, he was back down for the count. His
breathing became heavy again, and Ben nudged him.
 Mmph, no, a little longer, Mason murmured, curling into Ben.  Just a little longer.
Mason looked so small burrowed in the sheets that Ben wished there was some way he could
freeze time and let Mason sleep longer. But Ben couldn t, and the best thing he could do for
Mason was to force the young dancer out of bed.
 Mason, wake up, Ben said, squeezing Mason s arm.
 I m awake! Mason cracked an eye open.  Oh, it s you.
 Oh, it s me? Ben made a face.  I can t be the worst you ve waken up to.
 Not by far.
 You ve got to get ready for your auditions. I m gonna give you some cab money, all right?
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Mason sat up again, yawning.  Thank you. I can walk, though.
 No, you ll take a cab, Ben said firmly.  Now go make yourself beautiful or whatever it is
you do.
 Aren t I perfect already? Mason looked over his shoulder sleepily and almost knocked Ben
out, he was so stunning.  Yeah, yeah, I know. I m going.
Ben almost protested, but then Mason stood and started to walk away. He was wearing those
tiny, red boxer-briefs, and they were nearly sliding off his body. Ben caught sight of a tattoo
on Mason s lower back, a scattering of swirly letters, and he wondered how he d missed that
Ben shook his head. Maybe he had time for a quick wank before he started the day.
When Ben came home that evening, after a trying day at work, he was more than a little
surprised to see that Mason wasn t in the apartment. He d thought that he d find Mason
curled up on the couch again, tub of ice cream in hand and Oprah blazing on the television.
He d even decided that he wouldn t be mad, that he d forgive Mason and order them Chinese
But the apartment was dead quiet and dark as Ben threw his keys on the kitchen table and
took a seat. It felt a bit weird to be in the apartment alone, without Mason s annoying
presence. It d only been two days, but he d already gotten used to this little inconvenience in
his life, this little Mason.
He tugged at his tie and leaned back in his chair. His day had been long and his father had
been quite hard on him. His father didn t approve of Ben missing work, especially missing
important meetings.
Ben, on the other hand, thought it was a bit of a joke. He wasn t cut out for his father s
business; he was no designer, no architect. He only had the job because he was his father s
son and because Greg, Ben s older brother, had moved to Canada years prior to become an
interior designer. His sister was out of the question and had run off to South Africa to work
for the Peace Corps.
Ben was his father s last chance at placing a Bell as successor to his architect firm. It was a
shame Ben didn t have an ounce of passion in him for the business. Ben was smart, but
neither motivated nor cutthroat-- two things needed in his father s work.
If Ben was truthful with himself, he knew there were others worthier to follow his father.
Lucas, for one.
Ben kicked his foot out, hitting a chair and hissing at the slight sting of pain. He could only
hope that Lucas didn t resent him. Ben knew he d be a poor head for the company. The job
suited Lucas and his talents far more, but Ben had been born into this, and there was no way
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Ben was doing everything right; he d made all the right moves. He was marrying his
girlfriend the successful, jet-setting fashion designer, he was following in his father s
footsteps. Aside from the slight hiccup in Vegas, well, he would make any parent proud.
Why did he feel so discontent with life? Why was it that the Vegas thing was the most
exciting thing to happen to him in& ever?
A soft knock sounded on the door, jarring Ben from his thoughts. How long had he been
sitting there, introspecting? He glanced at the clock and coughed, realizing he d been zoning
out for an hour.
 Coming, he said, walking to the front door. He opened it and was greeted by Mason, and
his heart skipped a beat.  Oh, you re back.
 Yeah, Mason said, stepping in, shaking his hair out.  I got caught in the rain. Perfect
ending to a terrible day.
Ben watched Mason fuss, shaking his hair out, smoothing his jeans. He dropped his shoulder
bag and sighed, checking his makeup in a mirror.
 Bad day? Ben asked, frowning.
 Well, yeah, Mason said.  I blew all my auditions. I m really behind, I guess. I haven t
trained classically in over a year. God, I m so stupid to think I could waltz into New York
and get an amazing job as a dancer.
 No, you re really good, Ben said.
 You don t even know that.
 I believe in you. Ben loosened his necktie as he felt himself flush. He didn t even know
where the words were coming from, but he couldn t stop. Having Mason home made Ben act
like a fool in all the best ways.  I think you re great.
Mason smiled.  Thanks. But being great in bed won t get me where I want to be, not this
 I didn t mean that, Ben said quickly.  I meant--
 What? Mason laughed and Ben felt like an idiot. He didn t know if Mason was a good
dancer or not. All he knew was that Mason could stretch his leg up over his head and was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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