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Linda s eye.
 Sally explained what had happened before I
came back. Never knew you were afraid of tiny
little dogs that couldn t hurt flies, Linda. She was
satisfied with her barb when the smile left her co-
worker s face.
 That s not what I was referring to, Linda
huffed.  Sally told me to tell you she wants to see
you in her office. Oh, and Tori, though she
appears happy, she s not. She s not pleased at all.
* * * *
Geoff s high spirits had deflated. He had raced
back to the office only to find the place deserted.
Then he had spent the next half hour calling
around to the sites to locate Philip and see what
had prompted the emergency call.
He had just ended a lengthy conversation with
Mr. Sims when Philip, looking as if he hadn t a
care in the world, sauntered into the office with a
coffee cup in one hand and a magazine in the
other. His hair wasn t in disarray and his eyes
were clear and focused. From his cousin s calm
appearance, Geoff realized there had been no
cause for alarm.
CR Moss
Annoyance over his cousin s blatant lack of
respect boiled his blood, heated his skin. He had
planned to spend his afternoon with Tori and now
his time with her was ruined for nothing.
 Hey, cuz. Looks like something s eating you.
 What was the emergency? Geoff said, using
all his strength to keep his anger in check.
 Emergency? Philip placed his coffee and
magazine on the desk, then sat on the edge of it.
 What gave you the idea there was an
 Don t play innocent with me, cousin. You may
be family, but I can still fire your ass.
 Fire me? Phil jumped from the desk and
backed away.  What the hell has gotten into you?
 What s gotten into me? What s gotten into
you? If there wasn t an emergency, you better
have a good excuse for leaving me that&  Philip
began to laugh, causing Geoff to stop talking.
 What s so funny?
Geoff frowned at him.
 No, I don t mean you. I mean& I&  Laughter
choked off his words.
 Out with it!
 I m sorry. Philip took a deep breath to still his
mirth.  Yes, you did say only to page or call you if
something dire happened, but you ve also said to
do it if you were out on a date. Let me see. How d
Concealed Affairs
it go?  I have to seem important. I have to make
them believe my business is my priority and it s
successful, very successful. So whenever I m out
on a date, after a reasonable amount of time, page
me. Not only will they believe I m the man I claim
to be, but it will cut the date short so I don t have
to get involved too much. Did I get it right?
Speechless, Geoff s jaw dropped. Where his
cousin got his strange memory from, he had no
idea.  That was years ago when I had just started
to make headway. You haven t used that trick in
 You haven t dated in ages, either. When you
told me this morning you planned on taking
Victoria out, I figured the rule was still in effect
since you hadn t told me different. I was only
following orders, boss. He saluted Geoff.  So,
you still gonna fire me?
 No. Geoff leaned back in his chair and stared
up at the ceiling. He had forgotten all about that
stupid pact he had made with Philip. All his dates
ended with the familiar sound, sometimes an hour
into them, sometimes longer. One time Phil had
ended a date of his fifteen minutes into it. When
he had found him later and asked why he had
done it so quickly, his cousin had shrugged and
said he hadn t like her.
In retrospect, he hadn t needed any help in not
getting too involved with the women. They
CR Moss
always took care of ending the relationships.
 No, Geoff repeated.  I m not going to fire
you. Maybe I ll just lock you in a closet for
awhile. He couldn t help but smile when he saw
Philip s eyes bulge.
 You wouldn t.
 Don t tempt me.
 I guess your date with her was going well
when I interrupted.
Geoff nodded.
 So when do I get to meet her?
 I don t know.
 You don t know. Is that more of a yes,
eventually I ll meet the girl who s put the light
back in your eyes and a spring in your step? Or
more of a no, she s not the meet the family type
 She might be getting married.
 Married? Philip sputtered. The coffee
spritzed out of his mouth.
Geoff wiped his shoulder although Phil s spittle
had come nowhere near him.
 Yes, to some doctor, or actually soon-to-be
doctor. She hasn t given him an answer yet. She
and I are going to a charity ball tomorrow night.
Hopefully the date will help her decide.
 That s strange. Phil rubbed his chin and
focused on a point out side the window.
 What is? Geoff turned to see what might have
Concealed Affairs
been happening outside behind him that caught
his cousin s attention. The wind carried a stray
piece of newspaper away.  I don t see anything.
 Of course not. I wasn t referring to outside, but
to Victoria.
 There is, Geoff said with a low growl of
protectiveness, leaning over the desk and glaring
at Phil,  nothing strange about her and I would
suggest you mind what words come out of your
mouth concerning her.
 Not her. Her reaction. Phil raised his hands
for peace.  Most women I know would say yes
right off the bat. I ve listened to Steph and her
friends enough times to know if I were to pop the
question, there d be no hesitation on her part. Or
any of her friends if I were to ask one of them. He
chuckled.  And gauging your reaction I d say
you re in love with Victoria.
Geoff s head snapped up as if he had been
given an uppercut to the chin.  I do believe you re
wrong, and you best be watching your mouth
around me, too.
 Now you sound like my mom.
Before Geoff s swing could make contact, Phil
smiled and jumped for the door.
 The hell I m wrong, Phil muttered and closed
the door behind him.
Geoff sank back into his chair. Love? No. He
hardly knew the woman. Sure, she was one of the
CR Moss
most beautiful women he had ever been attracted
to, with her sparkling blue eyes and lush brown
hair. She was curvy, humorous, and intelligent
and was downright sexy when her temper flared.
Stubborn, too, but he liked that. Tori wouldn t
bend under pressure. He couldn t wait to see her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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