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 How do you  kind of get into a fight?
Callie sat and rubbed her temples. She had a splitting headache.  Okay, we didn t kind of
anything. We really got into one.
 Do you wanna talk about it?
 No, not particularly. She d thought about their fight for hours when she d gotten home
last night and still hadn t come to a good conclusion. Even after turning it over and over in her
mind, she didn t know what had happened. Through it all, though, one thing remained: she
wasn t sure he had it in him to give her what she needed. The thought left her cold, and she
 Do you want me to turn up the heat? Are you cold?
 No, just a little chilled. I can grab a sweater.
 Want some coffee?
Callie smiled, figuring Lora would leave her alone if she looked happy enough.  Sure, I d
love some. I ll be back in a minute.
She rose, and Lora followed suit. She went to her room and grabbed her big, fluffy sweater
and pulled it right over her sleep shirt before returning to the kitchen. A steaming mug of coffee
sat waiting on the table.  Thanks, Lora. I appreciate all you ve done for me letting me stay
here, taking care of me& 
Lora regarded her with a puzzled expression.  Of course, honey what else would I do?
She paused for a beat.  Are you going to see Jack today?
Caught 45
Callie chuckled, but there was no warmth behind it.  I have no idea. He told me to go
home and think about things and then call him today. But I thought and thought and thought
about it last night and came to no conclusion. I don t want to lose what we just rediscovered, but
I m not sure he can make me happy long-term.
Lora placed her hand on Callie s shoulder and squeezed.  You ll figure it out. You always
 I wish I had that much faith in myself.
 Don t we all. Lora left the kitchen, and Callie wrapped her ice-cold hands around her
coffee mug. She hadn t been able to warm up since she d left Sir s house last night. Pulling the
sleeves of her sweater down to cover her hands, she stared out the back door at the falling snow
outside. Unfortunately it didn t hold any answers to her dilemma.
Her cell phone rang, and she rose to get it from the counter where she d left it to charge.
She spied Jack s name on the caller ID, and her heartbeat sped up until she could feel it pounding
against her ribs.
 Yes, Sir, hello.
 I think we should talk. Are you able to come see me?
 Yes. I need to shower, but I can be over in about an hour.
 Good. See you then.
He hung up, and she pulled the phone away from her ear, staring at it for a moment. She
had no idea what to make of the conversation. Was he angry? Feeling guilty? Did he still want
her? Did she want him? God, she did. Oh, she really did. But if she was going to have him, she
wanted all of him. She couldn t accept anything less. It would kill her.
She rushed through her shower and made it to his house in forty-five minutes. He let her in
and took her coat.  Sit down, Callie. Don t kneel sit on the floor.
The tone of his voice made it impossible to argue not that she would ve anyway. She was
curious about what he d say.
46 Cassandra Carr
He pushed a hand through his hair and blew out a harsh breath.  First of all, I wanted to
say I m sorry I took you against the wall like a rutting beast.
 Did you hear me complaining?
 No, but I apologize nonetheless. And about the other matter of me punishing you?
There I disagree with you. I thought about it a lot, and I believe I had every right to punish you
for your actions. I m not sorry I did it. Me punishing you, when I feel you re doing something
physically or emotionally harmful, was part of the contract you signed.
Callie nodded, sighing. Screwing up her courage, she said,  You re right, it was, and that
gives you the right to discipline me as you see fit.
His eyebrows rose.  So you re agreeing?
 Yeah. If I m going to submit to you, I can t have it both ways. She gazed at him steadily,
and when he didn t say anything, she continued.  I have to be responsible for my behavior, and if
I m not, I have to accept any decision you make to punish me.
 Does this also mean you re agreeing to truly submit to me?
 Yes, Sir.
 No more topping from the bottom?
She almost smiled, but she thought better of it.  No, Sir, no more topping from the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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