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townsfolk had come to her aid at last.
A familiar figure leapt down from one of the wagons. She hurled
herself toward Luke. “Luke,” she squealed.
“Maggie,” he said. He too reeled from the shock at the unexpected
display of solidarity and retaliation from people who had cowered
from McCabe for so long.
She flung her arms around him and hugged him hard.
“We’ve done it,” she shrieked in delight. “We’ve killed the
fucking bastard.”
She planted a huge smacker of a kiss on one of his bruised cheeks.
“I don’t think so. You might just want to think again.” McCabe’s
hard voice cut through the jubilation going on around them.
All heads turned as one toward the front porch of the house.
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Hannah’s Gold
Having crept round to the back and through the bedroom window,
Ethan McCabe now stood threateningly behind Hannah. He gripped
her firmly with one hand while, at the same time, he pointed a gun
with his other at her head.
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Cindy Crane
Chapter Thirty
The cheering and shouts of glee turned to silence. All eyes turned
and fixed on the sight of Hannah’s front porch. A muscle twitched in
Luke’s jaw. He took a menacing step forward. Still gripping Hannah
hard, McCabe now aimed the gun in his hand toward him.
Maggie grabbed Luke by the arm before he did anything stupid.
“No,” she cried. “We haven’t come this far to let McCabe kill you
and Hannah after all.”
McCabe turned the gun back on Hannah. If he was worried about
the townsfolk’s show of resistance, he didn’t show it.
“Release my men,” he demanded coldly.
No one moved.
“Now,” he barked. “Or I kill her here and now.”
“Let him shoot me,” Hannah shouted out. “Then he’s got no one
to hide behind. You mustn’t let him get away with his tyranny again.”
She stopped abruptly. A squeal of pain tore from her lips. McCabe
twisted her arm cruelly. At the same time, he struck her hard on the
cheekbone with the butt of his gun. The crack of metal against bone
made Hannah cry out again.
Luke took another step forward. Maggie grabbed him again.
“Come on,” McCabe goaded as he turned the gun on him once
more. “Make my day, after all. Try to stop me. I should have let my
men kill you and your brother the first day you arrived in town.” He
paused for a second before giving a short laugh. “Where is your
brother, by the way? I don’t see him around. Did we kill him?”
The click of a gun preceded Jed’s voice by a split second as he
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Hannah’s Gold
“No, you didn’t. Now drop the weapon.” He thrust his gun firmly
into the man’s ribs.
McCabe didn’t move.
“Now!” he repeated, threateningly.
The smile melted from McCabe’s lips. He stretched his arm out
wide until he held his gun hand well away from his body. He let the
weapon fall to the ground. At the same time, he let go of Hannah.
With a cry of relief, she fled down the steps straight into Luke’s arms.
As Jed kicked McCabe’s legs viciously from under him, he forced
him to his knees. He ordered him to clasp his hands behind his head.
A cheer went up from the crowd as the man knelt before them in
Maggie gave a shriek of joy and scurried toward Jed. She leapt
into his arms, wrapped her legs around his waist, and planted a
smacker of a kiss on his mouth. She squeezed him hard. In open
delight, she pressed her cheek against his stubbly one, rubbing it
against his hard bristles.
“You made it back.” She still squealed but, now, grinned saucily
at him as she inhaled deeply too. “Mmm! You smell so good. All
sweat and horses.” She buried her face into his neck. “God, you feel
good too.” She planted a succession of kisses all over his face as she
squeezed him yet again. “All strong and hard.” She paused for a
moment to look him mischievously in the eyes. She gave a cute little
smile that was full of unspoken innuendo.” Just how I like a man.”
She moved her mouth closer to his ear. “You sure are a sight for sore
eyes.” She nipped his ear lobe and, then, ran the tip of her tongue
around it. She lowered her voice a fraction. “Mmm! Given everything
I know about you, I can’t wait to taste you either.”
He grinned lasciviously back at her as she slid slowly and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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