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got evidence proving who the killer is. He s determined to clear his name, and he won t
let anything stand in his way. Not even his lingering attraction to Haley.
Haley is just as determined to protect her family from the former town bad boy s
accusations. But now someone is stalking her, and Haley realizes Dean s the only one she
can trust.
With a killer closing in, Dean wonders if he s made the biggest mistake of his life& a
mistake that could cost Haley her life.
Warning: This title contains a mystery to keep you turning the pages late into the
Enjoy the following excerpt for Living Lies:
The Mountainview Motel was neither on a mountain nor did it offer a view of one, as
the name implied. Little more than a row of shabby rooms slightly north of town, Haley
was surprised the place managed to remain open.
As she drove into the lot, she spotted Dean s car parked in front of one of the rooms
and pulled up next to it. What was she doing here, really? Hadn t she had enough drama
for one day? Maybe, but she needed to know why he was back. Why now?
With a sigh she opened the door and stepped out into the cold. The walk running the
length of the motel had been shoveled, exposing weathered wood planks. She crossed to
his door and knocked loudly before she changed her mind.
After a moment, the door swung back and Dean filled the opening. He didn t look at
all surprised to see her. Al had probably called to warn him after she d left.
She could understand how she hadn t recognized him. The boyishness had left his
face, making his features sharper, almost predatory and, if at all possible, more attractive.
Even his body seemed harder and leaner than she remembered.
Her heart rate quickened, and something fluttered in her stomach. Could he really
have killed Michelle?
Killer or not, she would have to say something soon. She couldn t just stand there
staring like a twit all day.
 I didn t recognize you earlier, she said. Better than silence, but only marginally.
Dean leaned casually against the frame.  I figured.
 Erin recognized you. She should have stuck with silence.
 What do you want, Haley? His voice was deep and quiet.
 Why are you here?
He sighed and moved aside.  Do you want to come in?
She hesitated. If she went inside that room, would anyone ever see her again?
Allister was the only person who knew where she was and she didn t have a whole lot of
faith he d come to her rescue if she needed him to.
 People know where I am, she said at last.
Dean smirked, but said nothing as she stepped inside, closing the door behind her.
 Nice place you have here, Matthew Clarke, she said, taking in the faded beige
wallpaper and gold shag carpet. An ugly oil painting of a gnarly sea captain hung over
the sagging double bed.
 I wanted to keep a low profile.
 I thought you would have stayed with Al.
 Have you seen Al s apartment? A faint smile touched his lips.  This place is a
He had a point. She had seen Al s apartment once and had gone straight home and
 Sit down, he offered, gesturing to the only chair in the room. As she pulled it away
from the desk, she noticed a thick envelope and file folder with bits of paper curling
around the edge stacked neatly in the top corner. She would have loved to go through
those pages. To see just what Dean studied on alone in a grubby motel room.
 So, she said.  Why are you here?
 Maybe I just wanted to pay my respects. He sat on the corner of the bed, his eyes
bright and his mouth still twisted in that slightly mocking smirk.
 By lurking in the parking lot?
The grin vanished.  I wasn t in the parking lot the whole time. I watched the service
from the door. When I saw you get up and start to leave I decided to go.
 You came back for the memorial?
 Maybe. He shrugged.
 Or maybe you re worried there s something to link you to Michelle after all.
A tiny muscle twitched in his jaw.  Is that what you think?
I don t know what to think, and you re not giving anything away.  I don t think you
came back here just to watch Michelle s memorial from an open door. So why not tell me
what you re really doing here?
 What do you want me to say, Haley? That I did it? That I killed her?
 Did you?
 If I did, it wasn t too smart to come looking for me now, was it? His voice was
quiet, but there was an edge, jagged, like a serrated blade.
A tiny ember ignited within her. A slow fury growing hotter and brighter each time
he spoke.  Are you threatening me?
 No, he said on a sigh, suddenly sounding very tired.  No, I m not.
 Why are you here? she asked again.
 I m not ready to tell anyone yet, but when I am, I ll tell you first.
 That s it? That s the best you can do?
He nodded.
 Well, sorry, not good enough. Tell me why you re back. I m not going anywhere
until you talk.
 Suit yourself. He shrugged.  I was thinking about ordering dinner. Pizza or
 This isn t a joke, Dean. My sister is dead.
 I know. And I will tell you why I ve come back, but not yet. I need to be sure of
some things first.
 Fine. You have until tomorrow. If I don t get some answers before the end of the
day, there isn t a person in this town who won t know you re here.
Haley stood and strode out the door, suppressing a smile at the sight of his stony
As she marched to the wreck parked next to his car, Dean stood in the open doorway,
half shocked, half irritated, shaking his head.
She d threatened him.
It took her three tries to get her heap started, taking a little something away from her
dramatic exit. But not much. As he closed the door, he could hardly believe it. Quiet little
Haley, who used to watch him with those amazing eyes so long ago, had threatened him.
And he didn t doubt for a second that she meant what she said. To think, he actually felt
sorry for her for a second there.
He would have to get things done tonight. That was probably better anyway. The
sooner he finished, the sooner he could get the hell out of this town.
Can two agents who clash work together to stay alive?
© 2008 Jerri Drennen
An Aztec Security book.
Kent Jameson is content with his free-and-easy life-until Aztec s newest recruit lands
in his lap and his superiors drop them in the middle of the Everglades with instructions to
work out their differences.
Cadence Fleming is excited about becoming an Aztec agent, but she didn t get what [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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