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sold. Maybe that wolf he heard could sniff them out and have them all for supper.
The bandits spoke at length and finally seemed to settle on a spot. They secured the rope binding
Midori s wrists to the trunk of a tree while they went about building a fire.
 Not only does he look like a woman, he cries like one too. His captor, the greasy-haired
toothless bandit, peered down at Midori.
Sobbing silently, he sat huddled with his knees drawn against his chest like a vulnerable child.
His captor s breath stank. In fact, everything about him stank and Midori cringed when he poked
one dirty finger to part the folds of his kimono.
 I wonder. Will he scream like a woman when I fuck him too? the bandit sneered.
The gag around Midori s mouth and the collar of his kimono was already soaked with his tears.
He hated this. He hated being afraid and helpless.
If he were Rin, well& Rin would cut these men down without hesitation, but Rin was& why did
he run away from Rin? Being a prince s fucktoy suddenly seemed more appealing than being at the
mercy of unknown men who meant him harm.
The prince may be a stranger, but he was a stranger who d bestow a life of indulgence and luxury
on him. Midori might be treated like a well-kept pet, but at least he was protected.
Who knew what kind of buyer would take him?
Midori screamed behind his gag when the bandit suddenly dragged him up and shoved him
unceremoniously against the tree. He tasted the rough texture of the wood against his face. Midori
squirmed and thrashed against the hands that began to violently yank down his trousers, but it was no
A fist to his side made his head reel. His trousers fell to his ankles and his ass tasted the cold
autumn air.
Midori whimpered and fear coursed through his limbs. He couldn t move. He could only stiffly
stand, paralyzed and powerless as the bandit shoved his shoulder hard into the tree while another
gripped one of his ass cheeks. This was nothing like the time Rin commanded him to face the tree.
There was a difference between rape and fulfilling dark desires, Midori knew that now. Rin was
very firm in the differentiation. A wild and desperate thought suddenly occurred to him. Perhaps& it
wouldn t be so bad if he imagined it was Rin behind him, not this dirty foul creature.
 What the hell, Shiro. Didn t I tell you not to damage the merchandise? a voice angrily said.
 It s just a taste. I won t fuck him too hard. Just enough to sate my needs, said Shiro, sounding
Midori screeched when the bandit suddenly jammed a finger up his tight asshole. He could feel
the man s rank breath tickling on the nape of his back as he laughed. It was impossible. He could
never imagine this man to be Rin or bear the thought that he d associate this awful memory with his
tender memories of Rin.
The bandit leaned close to his ear to whisper, his finger still digging inside Midori s ass,
 Scream all you want, my pretty. I m going to rim you like you ve never been rimmed before.
Midori shut his eyes tightly. Be done with it already!
He was ready to give in to his fate when a short and surprised scream interrupted them. Relief
came flooding into Midori s tense body. Shiro abruptly withdrew his finger from Midori s ass, when
another curt scream followed the first. The scream was followed the hair-raising sound of something
being violently ripped apart.
By kami and the gods, what is that awful sound?
Midori swallowed nervously. It sounded awfully like flesh being torn apart from a human body.
A sudden snarling animalistic growl of rage and fury made his spine crawl. Fear jammed itself back
inside Midori s throat.
It s that wolf I heard earlier. Now that I think of it, rape seems like a better alternative.
He felt his attacker turn, but Midori was still rooted to embarrassing spot with his pants down.
Shiro turned too slowly, and Midori heard the sound of deadly teeth sinking into flesh.
Shiro turned, but he reacted far too slow. The sound of sharp deadly teeth easily crunching
through skin and bones interrupted the silence of the night. Shiro didn t die as easily as the other two.
Midori shut his eyes painfully at the wet and loud sounds of a man being brutally torn apart. He
didn t realize wolves were so violent. The pure and mind-shattering howl the animal let out earlier
bothered him.
Why did the beast sound so enraged? It was also very wrong, but Midori felt a sliver of
satisfaction hearing Shiro s death screams. Besides, how many unwilling young men and women did
the dirty bandit violate?
Now s not the time to think. It s time to run, fool. Quickly, while the beast is focused on Shiro.
Midori nearly tripped on his trousers. He cursed, about to haul them when he realized his hands
were still bound. Then, he met the clear amber eyes of the wolf. The beast was directly looking at him.
Nearly the size of a warhorse, it was the largest wolf Midori had ever seen. He didn t even know
wolves grew to such a monstrous size. Perhaps it was a hound from hell, sent to drag him back from
turning his back from the man he loved.
 Please& kill me quickly, Midori spoke. Was it his imagination, or did the beast actually
looked offended?
The magnificent black beast began to approach him and Midori took a hesitant step backward,
nearly tripping on his trousers again.
 I don t want to die.
He wasn t sure why he was speaking to the animal, but the wolf definitely had a look of
annoyance on its face.
How odd. Why did that look seem so familiar? He could imagine that infuriating expression on a
human face. If he had to pick a face it would be Rin.
I m clearly going mad in the face of death, but why isn t the wolf attacking me? Why is it only
watching me? No. It couldn t be!
Gathering his resolve, Midori uncertainly asked,  Rin? Is that you?
The great black beast nodded and began shaking its shaggy head. Black fur receded and a
gorgeous man took its place. Rin killed for me. Strange pride filled Midori before dread took its place.
Even after the bandit s dying screams faded, Midori didn t dare move. He didn t want to look at
the corpses or at Rin. He couldn t bear to see the expression on the soldier s face, or for Rin to see his
shameful face. The fact that Rin happened to turn into a wolf didn t bother him. In fact, it explained
some of the man s animal tendencies a little better.
He d seen some strange things in his life. Spirits, ghosts, the occasional wind spirit, and even his
parents admitted they found him inside a bamboo stalk. What he truly feared was facing Rin.
He did what he only could. He turned his face back to tree like a guilty child unable to face his
parents, only feeling foolish a second later.
Midori stiffened when he felt Rin approach him. Rin didn t speak while he cut the rope, or gently
lifted up his trousers. With shaking hands, Midori touched Rin s tanned and callused ones when they
rested on his waist. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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