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sick. If Alexandreina did indeed do this, where was she? Already dead?
Ripped apart by a raging lunatic that was the Overlord?
 It is also true that the assassin was a Roma. The Lady Alexandreina
to be exact.
That announcement sent a wave of shock over the crowd. There was
obviously more than one Draconian that thought that to be impossible.
Sorin found Vanda s face in the mass. She too had a look of
 She has been taken to the dungeons. Rica s gaze swept the crowd
again. It rested on Sorin, and a definitive message was sent through his
black piercing gaze. I have you now.  She will be executed in the morning
for her crime of high treason.
Sorin didn t stay for the rest of the Overlord s speech. He promptly
turned on his heel and made his way to his room. He had to plan a way
to get down to the dungeons to see her. She couldn t die, not without
knowing how he truly felt about her.
As he strode down the hallway, he passed Priestess Cami. She
nodded to him as he walked by. While he continued to walk, he glanced
over his shoulder at her. She was watching him. There was something in
her face that made him stop, turn and walk back to her.
Alexandreina didn t know how long she d been unconscious but when
she came to, she was laying on the cold, hard stone of a dungeon cell.
Her entire body ached and her head pounded.
Twisting her body, she rolled onto her side and tried to sit up. Her
head screamed at her to lie back down as she pushed into a sit and
leaned against the stone wall. Panting to dampen the wave of nausea
that washed over her, Alexandreina surveyed her surroundings.
Of the Moon 135
Her cell consisted of four stone walls, a small wooden door with bars
in the miniscule window and nothing else. They hadn t even provided her
with a pan to use as a toilet. There was no window, so she didn t know
how long she d been down here. Judging by the way her limbs clenched
and cramped, it had been long enough to know she was very close to her
She put her head in her hands and sobbed. She had failed. Failed her
people, failed Anghel. They had been wrong in putting their faith in her.
Now, they had nothing. Her people would suffer for her failure, even after
she transcended to the Underworld.
The sound of the door creaking open lifted her head. A guard shuffled
in and stood off to the side.  To your feet, wench, you have a visitor.
Surprise jolted her when Sorin walked into the cell. He looked over at
the guard and jerked his head toward the door.  Leave us.
The guard hesitated, but when Sorin handed him a small bag of coins
he gladly left them, shutting and locking the door behind him.
She cried out when he rushed to her side and gathered her in his
arms. Fresh tears fell from her eyes as he hugged her to him, nuzzling
his face into hair.
 Oh by Zamolixis, I feared you dead, he murmured against her head.
 I will be by dawn.
Stroking his hand over her hair, he pulled back and looked into her
face.  Why? What possessed you to do such an impossible thing?
She wanted to tell him everything. Tell him how Anghel and Cami
had come to her. About their relationship and her brother still alive and
amassing an army. About her hopes for her people s freedoms. But the
words wouldn t come. She couldn t betray her people no matter what, not
even to Sorin, a man she could ve loved if given half the chance. Now,
they had nothing. Except for this moment. That was all they had left.
136 Vivi Anna
She set her hand on his cheek.  It doesn t matter. Not now. Just hold
me, Sorin. Hold me and let me remember this moment before I go to my
death. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to his.
Burying his hands in her hair, he pulled her even closer to him,
crushing her mouth against his. He groaned into her, and she swallowed
every sound greedily, reveling in the way he held her, the way he kissed
her. Passion and heat. That s what she thought of when in his arms.
Her insides ignited on fire when she was near him. And when he
touched her like he was doing, a hand caressing her cheek and another
running up and down her back, her belly exploded in an inferno of
desire. His touch alone could send her spiraling into total bliss.
If she was going to die, she couldn t think of a better memory to take
with her to the Underworld.
Nibbling on her lower lip, he slid his hand down and cupped her
buttocks, kneading one cheek then the other.  Put your legs around my
She did as he asked, straddling his lap. She could feel his erection,
hard and hot, pressed up against the crotch of her underpants. Oh, how
she loved the feel of him inside her. She yearned for it, for him.
Suddenly eager, panicked even, Alexandreina reached between them
and undid his trousers. Slipping her hand past the band, she found his
cock. Like silk-wrapped steel. She wrapped her hand around the shaft
and began to stroke him.
As he laved his tongue across her lobe, he moaned into her ear.  I
love what you do to me, woman.
 I want you, Sorin. I don t want to think about anything but how you
feel deep inside me.
Growling, Sorin moved his hand around from her buttocks and
quickly found his way under her skirt. Without ceremony, he ripped
away the fabric of her underpants and buried his fingers into her slick,
wet folds.
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