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He d thought of almost everything.
 So this is how it s going to be now? You re taking
the girls from me? She set her jaw.
Destiny Blaine
 I want my family. He nodded.  And that
includes you. He moved closer to her.  But if I can t
have the trio, I ll take the twins. Either way, they re
going to know their father.
 You want me to give up my life, for yours? She
studied him. He fully expected a battle of words, he
was ready whenever she wanted to begin.
 Um, yeah. That s pretty much the gist of it, he
said, folding his arms over his chest.
Rather than argue, she slumped down to the
steps.  Why am I not surprised?
He moved closer but remained out of striking
Ally didn t bother to look at him. She just stared
off into the woods surrounding them.  You always do
this. You screw up everything I want and then you do
it with a smile like I should go along with it. Well,
Tanner, I m done. I m not doing it anymore. She
swallowed hard. He watched her defy her tears then,
fight to prove she maintained some element of self-
He knew better. When it came to him she didn t
have power. She surrendered everything she had for
the greater good him.
A sarcastic moan fell from his lips.  I know what
ya mean. He rubbed the back of his neck and tossed
the glasses and the wig. His disguise all but gone, he
reached out and moved his hand under her chin.
When he brought her gaze to focus on him he
continued,  I m not either, Ally. I can t make it
without you. This arrangement we have is not
working for me. You ve always been my girl and now
you re going to act like it. He felt the flutter in his
heart. Damnation, the woman made his heart beat
faster now than she did when she turned twenty-one
and wore those hide-tight shorts.
 Oh fuck you, Tanner! She moved by him and
gave him the best go-to-hell glare she could manage.
 Oh yeah? Well I hope so, because baby, I gotta
tell you, one time was not enough. He dropped a
Behind The Game
cell phone into her lap.  Hit redial and you ll get your
mom or one of those handsome dudes you claim for
brothers. You can check on the kids and then you can
come in here and make good on a few of those fuck-
you promises. I ll be the one on the bed with his dick
in hand.
* * * *
Minutes later, Ally joined him. She crept inside
like she was afraid to be there with him and that
broke his heart. If circumstances were different, she
might pay closer attention to the element of romance
waiting there. Maybe he should point out the obvious.
 Why? She stood in the center of the room with
her arms hanging at her sides. She looked exactly as
he d imagined exasperated, angry, and just too damn
beautiful for words.
He stopped stacking beer in the fridge and
thought about his reply before he gave her the
answer she already had, the one she d surely find if
she searched inside herself long enough.  I told you
three years ago and I ll tell you now. Anything I do,
Ally, I do because I can.
She walked closer.  But, Tanner. Not this. I ll do
anything you ask but please, please don t take my
girls from me.
He saw the fear in her eyes. The way it lingered
with a haunting shadow of mixed emotions chained
him to her forever. He wanted to protect her from
himself and from any possible unpleasant occurrence
in her life which made for complications because he
also wanted to love her. At the same time, as much
as he loved her, he wasn t going to let her take his
girls from him.
He closed the refrigerator.  You think I want to
raise the twins without their mother? Is that what you
really believe?
 You already did! Momma confirmed they re
there with her.
Destiny Blaine
 They re visiting their uncles and grandma while
I m working on their mother. He smiled easily.  I ve
missed you, Ally.
He moved behind her and slammed the door but
not before he eyed the porch and thought how nice it
might be to sit on the swing with Ally s head on his
He debated over how he wanted to pursue her,
realizing he needed to be her best friend, the love of
her life, a patient man. He also wanted to rip right
into her, take what belonged to him and fuck the
daylights out of her until she believed she was his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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