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though too far to beheard, I cansee what he is telling them. Their orders is
to watch your movements, and to find where the canoe is to meet you, to take
you back to the ark, and then to seize all and what they can. I m sorry Judith
sent you, for I suppose she wants you to go back ag in.
 All that s settled, Deerslayer, returned the girl, in a low, confidential,
and meaning manner;  and you may trust me to out-wit the best Indian of them
all. I know I am feeble-minded, but I ve gotsome sense, and you  ll see how
I ll use it, in getting back, when my errand is done!
 Ahs! me, poor girl; I m afeard all that s easier said than done. They  re a
venomous set of riptyles, and their p ison s none the milder for the loss of
Hist. Well, I m glad the Sarpent was the one to get off with the gal; for now
there ll be two happy, at least; whereas, hadhe fallen into the hands of the
Mingos, there d been two miserable, and another far from feelin as a man
likes to feel.
 Now you put me in mind of a part of my errand, that I had almost forgotten,
Deerslayer. Judith told me to ask you what you thought the Hurons would do
with you if you couldn t be bought off, and whatshe had best do to serve you.
Yes, this was the most important part of the errand --what she had best do in
order to serve you.
 That s asyou think, Hetty; but it s no matter. Young women are apt to lay
most stress on what most touches their feelin s; but no matter; have it your
own way, so you be but careful not to let the vagabonds get the mastery of a
canoe. When you get back to the ark, tell em to keep close, and to keep moving
too, most especially at night. Many hours can t go by without the troops on
the river hearing of this party, and then your fri nds may look for relief.
 Tis but a day s march from the nearest garrison, and true soldiers will never
lie idle with the foe in their neighbourhood. This is my advice, and you may
say to your father and Hurry that scalp-hunting will be a poor business now,
as the Mingos are up and awake, and nothing can save  em  till the troops
come, except keeping a good belt of water atween  em and the savages.
 What shall I tell Judith about you, Deerslayer? I know she will send me back
again, if I don t bring her the truth aboutyou .
 Then tell her thetruth . I see no reason Judith Hutter shouldn t hear
thetruth about me as well as alie . I m a captyve in Indian hands, and
Providence only knows what will come of it! Hark ee, Hetty-- dropping his
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voice and speaking still more confidentially,  youare a little weak-minded, it
must be allowed, but you know something of Indians. Here I am in their hands,
after having slain one of their stoutest warriors, and they ve been
endivouring to work upon me, through fear of consequences, to betray your
father and all in the ark. I understand the blackguards as well as if they d
told it all out plainly with their tongues. They hold up avarice afore me on
one side, and fear on t other, and think honesty will give way atween  em
both. But let your father and Hurry know  tis all useless; as for the
Sarpent,he knows it already.
 But what shall I tellJudith? --She will certainly send me back if I don t
satisfy her mind.
 Well, tell Judith the same. No doubt the savages will try the torments to
make me give in and to revenge the loss of their warrior, but I must hold out
ag in nat ral weakness in the best manner I can. You may tell Judith to feel
no consarn on my account--it will come hard I know, seeing that a white man s
gifts don t run to boasting and singing under torment, for he generally feels
smallest when he suffers most--but you may tell her not to have any consarn. I
think I shall make out to stand it; and she may rely on this, let me give in
as much as I may, and prove completely that I am white, by wailings, and
howlings, and even tears, yet I ll never fall so far as to betray my fri nds.
When it gets to burning holes in the flesh with heated ramrods, and to hacking
the body, and tearing the hair out by the roots, natur may get the upperhand,
so far as groans and complaints are consarned, but there the triumph of the
vagabonds will end; nothing short of God s abandoning him to the devils, can
make an honest man ontrue to his colour and duty.
Hetty listened with great attention, and her mild but speaking countenance
manifested a strong sympathy in the anticipated agony of the supposititious
sufferer. At first she seemed at a loss how to act; then, taking a hand of
Deerslayer s, she affectionately recommended to him to borrow her Bible, and
to read in it while the savages were inflicting their torments. When the other
honestly admitted that it exceeded his power to read, she even volunteered to
remain with him, and to perform this holy office in person. The offer was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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