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black-cropped trousers in one hand and white top in the other she held the garments against her body. Cerulean eyes travelled up and down her frame in
thought. You can t really go wrong with simple black and white I suppose.
A muted groan pulled Denise s attention from her scrutiny. She looked over her shoulder at the rumpled double bed to find sleepy green eyes watching
"Denise," Randa groaned. "It s five o clock in the morning. What are you doing?"
"I can t sleep."
Her blonde head falling back down to the luxurious pillows, Randa sighed. "You don t have to be there until nine o clock."
"We." DJ amended.
"We don t have to be there," Randa said. "Anyway why can t you sleep? Either you re nervous about today or you re just out to see how many people you
can wake up this morning."
Denise hung her clothes upon the handle of the wardrobe and looked back at Randa guiltily. "Sorry. I would have left the room but that en-suite bathroom
isn t really big enough to commence a decent pacing."
Randa sighed again. "Denise, come back to bed. We still have two more hours before we have to be getting up."
"Too late& I m wide awake." Denise stepped towards the window and looked out over the hotel complex. Her fingertips drummed upon the windowsill in
thought. "You know for an early, mid July morning it is quite nice out there."
Randa peeked out from beneath the covers. "I ll take your word for it."
"The sun is just beginning to rise."
"Uh huh."
Denise looked down over the hotel grounds. "And their outdoor swimming pool is heated."
"You are not serious& ?" Randa studied DJ closely. "You are! You want to go swimming? Now?"
"Why not? It s exclusive to all guests& twenty-four hours, day and night. There is nobody else down there."
"Gee, I wonder why!"
"So& what do you say?"
"We don t have suits."
The poet thought quickly. "Well I have a tank top and some boxers. You have your shorts too and that sports bra. We can improvise. Come on what do you
say?" Denise jiggled her eyebrows. "Just you and me."
Randa sighed as she looked at DJ s hopeful expression. "Damn it& How can I refuse?"
"Is that a yes?"
The blonde fell back to the bed. "Yes!" She rolled out from beneath the sheets and rose slowly to her feet. "Okay& lets go."
Denise kissed Randa with thanks, then the women picked out their makeshift swimming clothes before heading down to the hotel s outdoor pool.
It was still relatively dark outside but with the slow arrival of the gradually rising sun the eastern sky was a blend of shaded orange tints. That, added to the
pool s water lights, created an almost striking contrast of light and darkness. There was a soothing stillness to the air. It seemed to settle over the dawning
land like a blanket of serenity. In the distance the sound of early morning traffic just managed to penetrate the atmosphere.
Dressed in their impromptu swimwear and with the hotel s large bath towels wrapped tightly around them, Denise and Randa stepped out into the cool
morning air. DJ noted the lingering scent of baked goods that hung in the air. She realised their hotel was situated close to a biscuit factory. The aroma of
its tempting wares drifted out over the morning stillness.
Reaching the edge of the pool, Randa s eyes widened as a soft wind blew around them. "Jeez, that s cold." She groaned, pulling the luxuriously thick
towel tight around her exposed body.
Denise let her towel fall to the edge of the pool. It landed upon the edging of aqua coloured tiles. "Well, the sooner we get in, the sooner we get warm."
She too was feeling the frigidity of the cool morning air. Dressed in gingham boxers and a black tank top, DJ dived head first into the water. She touched
the bottom before rising to the surface in the middle of the pool. The poet looked on amused as Randa, still wrapped within the embrace of her towel,
tested the temperature of the water with her toes. "See, I told you it was warm."
Without saying a word, Randa shed her towel beside DJ s and jumped into the pool. A wave of water sprung out around her. She resurfaced beside
Denise. "Hmm& this is heavenly."
"Yep." Denise s face took on a wry expression. "Just be careful how you dive!"
"Well& because if you happen to be wearing loose fitting boxers like mine& you could find them half way around your ankles due to the force!"
"No!" Randa s mouth dropped as her hands delved under the water to check the positioning of DJ s clothing.
"They are adjusted now," Denise said, batting away Randa s questing hands. "Anyway they only managed to slip to mid thigh before I caught them."
Green eyes narrowed with faux suspicion. "You didn t have a fleeting desire for skinny dipping but changed your mind, did you?"
"I would never," said Denise sounding almost insulted. "Besides this is far too much of a public place for such acts. Now if we were in a more secluded
area& " DJ winked before disappearing under the water s surface. The poet chuckled to herself as she circled Randa s legs, allowing one hand to slip up
her thigh. She felt as much as saw Randa jump and bounce away from her wandering fingers. Unable to laugh underwater Denise emerged from its
depths. She took a deep breath before delivering a rakish grin.
The blonde pointed at Denise. "Hey& no funny business. Public place remember?"
"What? They can t really see anything under the water but a flesh coloured blur."
"True," Randa conceded. "But that s not the point."
"Yes it is!" DJ swam closer to Randa. "So& want to wrestle under the water?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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