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friends choice of land outside that same, in which they have since settled. To Ani he gave a homestead
at Anabrekka, where Aunund and Steinar have hitherto dwelt. We all know this, Steinar, what are the
landmarks between Borg and Anabrekka, that the chief one is Hafs-brook. Now therefore not from
ignorance, Steinar, did you act in grazing on Thorstein s land, for you, Steinar, and you, Aunund,
might know that Ani received the land of my father Grim: but you encroached on his land, thinking
that he would be so degenerate as tamely to submit to your robbery. But Thorstein slew two thralls of
yours. Now it is evident to all that these died for their ill-deeds, and are therefore unatonable, nay,
even had they been free men, yet had they been unatonable, no fine could have been claimed for them.
But as for you, Steinar, seeing that you devised to rob my son Thorstein of his property which he took
with my authority, and I took by inheritance after my father, you shall therefore lose your land at
Anabrekka, and have no payment for the same. And further, you shall have neither homestead nor
lodgment here in the district south of Long-river. And you must quit Anabrekka before flitting days
are past; else may you, immediately after flitting days, be slain with impunity by any who wish to help
Thorstein, if you refuse to go away or break any of these terms that I have pronounced for you.
But when Egil sat down, then Thorstein named witnesses to his decision.
Then spoke Aunund Sjoni:   Twill be said, Egil, that this judgment which you have given and
pronounced is very crooked. And what I have to say is this: hitherto I have done all I could to prevent
strife, but henceforth I shall not spare to do what I can to harm Thorstein.  This I forebode, said Egil,
 that the longer our quarrel lasts, the worse will be the fortune of you and your son. I thought you must
have known, Aunund, that I have held mine own before men quite as great as are you and your son.
But for Odd and Einar, who have so eagerly thrust themselves into this cause, they have reaped
therefrom due honour.
Chapter 88 - Of Thorgeir.
Thorgeir Blund was there at the Thing, Egil s sister s son; he had given Thorstein much help in this
suit. He begged father and son to give him some land out there on the Moors. Hitherto he had dwelt
south of White-river below Blunds-water. Egil received the request well, and persuaded Thorstein to
let him come thither. So they settled Thorgeir at Anabrekka, but Steinar moved house beyond
Long-river and settled down at Leiru-brook. But Egil rode home southwards to Ness, father and son
parting on friendly terms.
There was a man with Thorstein named Iri, fleet of foot and keen of sight above others; he was a
foreigner, a freedman of Thorstein s, but he still had the care of his flocks, and especially to gather the
wethers up to the fell in spring, and in autumn down to the fold. Now, after flitting days, Thorstein
bade gather the wethers that had been left behind in spring, meaning to have them driven to the fell. Iri
was there in the sheepfold, but Thorstein and his house-carles rode up to the fell, being eight in all.
Thorstein was having a fence made across Grisar-tongue, between Long-water and Cleave-river; at
which many of his men were employed in the spring. After inspecting his house-carles work here,
Thorstein rode homewards. Now as he came over against the Thing-field, Iri came running to meet
them, and said that he wished to speak to Thorstein alone. Thorstein bade his companions ride on
while they spoke together. Iri said he had gone up to Einkunnir that day, and looked to the sheep.  But
I saw, said he,  in the wood above the winter road the gleam of twelve spears and some shields. Then
Thorstein said in a loud voice, so that his companions could hear:  Why can he be in such a hurry to
see me that I may not ride on my way home? However Aulvald will think it strange that I refuse him
the visit if he is sick. Iri then ran up to the fell as fast as he could. Thorstein said to his companions:  I
think we must lengthen our way, for we must first ride south to Aulvaldstead. Aulvald send me word I
am to go to him. And he will think it no more than a fair return for the ox that he gave me last autumn
that I should go and see him, if he deems the matter important. Whereupon Thorstein with his
company rode south by the moor above Stangar-holt, and so on south to Gufa-river, and down along
the river by the riding-path. And when they came down below the lake, they saw south of the river
man cattle and a man with them. He was a house-carle of Aulvald s. Thorstein asked whether all was
well there. He said that all was well, and that Aulvald was in the copse cutting wood.  Then tell him,
said Thorstein,  if he has an urgent errand with me, to come to Borg, for I will now ride home. And so
he did. It was afterwards learnt that Steinar, with eleven more, had lain in ambush at Einkunnir that
same day. Thorstein made as though he had heard nought of it, and things remained quiet.
Chapter 89 - Thorstein goes to a feast.
There was a man named Thorgeir, a kinsman and friend of Thorstein: he dwelt then at Swan-ness. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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