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sanctioned by disqualification. The 1st referee the disqualified player must be substituted by a
declares the team incomplete and the match legal substitution, there are no players available
victory for the opponents. Is the decision of the for regular substitutions.
1st referee correct? Rules 6.4.3, 19
6.3 Ruling:
The red team has only eight players including Since player #6 cannot be substituted by a
the Libero. In the second set of a match, player legal substitution, the 1st referee declares the
#6 for the red team has been substituted and team incomplete for the set.
later returned to the match. Player #6 is then Rule 6.4.3, 15.7,15.8, 19.3.2
sanctioned by disqualification. The Libero is on
the bench at the time of the disqualification.
What is the proper decision of the 1st referee?
6.4 Ruling:
A team has seven players including the Libero. The decision of the referee is not correct. The
In the second set, the starting player #6 is Libero is not allowed to participate in any
injured. The 1st referee allows the Libero to substitution, regular or exceptional. There are
enter the match by a regular substitution two possibilities for the team. If #6 is in the front
procedure in place of the injured player and zone at the moment of the injury, the team has
finishes the match with this line up. Is this the right to request three minutes for recovery. If
correct decision of the 1st referee? the player cannot continue to play, the team
loses the set or possibly the match. However, if
the injured player #6 is in the back zone and the
Libero is on the bench, the team may replace #6
by the Libero until the Libero must rotate to the
front zone. At this time, player #6 must either
return to play or the team is incomplete.
Rules 15.7, 15.8, 17, 19.3.2
6.5 Ruling:
The Libero is on the court for player #5. He is Player #5 must return on the court in place of
expelled from the set. What is the correct the Libero. The team has no right to use a
process to continue the match? Libero for the remainder of the set. The Libero is
allowed to play during the next set.
If the sanction had been disqualification, the
team would have no right to use a Libero for the
remainder of the match.
Rules 6.4.3, 19.3.2, 19.3.3
6.6 Ruling:
Eric Sullivan, the Libero for the USA men's The process is correct. But the terminology is
team, is in position 5. The USA wins the rally important to avoid unnecessary protests.
and rotates. The Libero is replaced correctly by The Libero is "replaced" by the starting player
the starting player Jeff Nygaard who moves Nygaard.
into the front zone. Before the play starts, the Hoff, then, "substitutes" for Nygaard.
FIVB Casebook 2007 35 of 49 Rev. 1.4 (Mar. 2007)
FIVB CASEBOOK-2007 Edition Rules of the Game Commission
USA coach Doug Beal decides to substitute, So there is only one substitution between the
by a regular substitution, Tom Hoff into the two rallies which is recorded on the score sheet,
game for Nygaard. Both of these actions occur and no rule infringement occurs.
in one interruption of the game. Is the 1st Rules 15.3.2, 19.3.2
referee s decision correct to allow both player
6.7 Ruling:
In the Westcup, one of Norway's most The 1st referee should allow the rally to continue
prestigious events, the Libero replacing the uninterrupted. After the rally, the referee should
player in position 1 was late reacting to the issue a verbal caution for the late replacement.
situation. The replacement took place after the Subsequent late replacements should be
referee's whistle for service but before the sanctioned by delay sanctions immediately,
service hit. What is the proper response by the interrupting the rally.
1st referee? However, if the replacement has been made
after the service hit, the 1st referee should
whistle this as a positional fault.
6.8 Ruling:
During the NORCECA Junior Girls Clearly, the 1st referee was a master of the "art
Championships the USA were playing against of refereeing".
Mexico. USA service specialist Candace In the spirit of allowing the players to play the
McNamee substituted into the game for middle game, with little interference from the officials,
blocker Amber Holmquist. After McNamee's the 1st referee made the correct decision.
service, McNamee was replaced by the Libero If such errors continued by the American team,
Erin Bird. When Bird rotated into the front row, sanctions should be applied.
Bird was replaced by Holmquist with a normal
"Libero replacement".
At this moment, the USA coach Deitre Collins
recognized that Holmquist had entered the
game illegally, pushed the buzzer for a normal
substitution of McNamee for Holmquist and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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