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er of hunting than of ruling, left more and more of
the affairs of state to Mooj; and Mooj, using his
powers and opportunities to his own advantage, se-
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cretly plotted to steal the throne. One day, when my
father failed to return from a hunting trip, Mooj
summoned the councillors of state and proclaimed
himself sole sovereign of Seebania. When uncle Ste-
phen and I quite naturally protested we were cast
into separate dungeons and threatened with utter de-
struction. I was at this time about twenty-four,"
continued Realbad reflectively, "and already married
to Isomere, this lovely princess I see you all admir-
ing." Isomere blushed becomingly at Realbad's
praise, but with scarcely a pause he continued his
"On the second day of my imprisonment Mooj ap-
peared before me and openly acknowledged that he
was a powerful magician and that he had destroyed
my father and secured by his magic spells the loyalty
and support of all the Seebanians. If I promised to
go away and never reveal my identity, he promised
that no harm should come to Isomere, my wife. If I
refused to go, or if, after I did go, I ever tried to
return and claim her, his magic would tell him so,
and at that very moment Isomere would be utterly
and dreadfully destroyed. So what could I do but
agree!" Realbad groaned at the memory of that
awful day.
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"With nothing more than the suit on my back
he went on," I started out. Mooj accompanied me to
the edge of a deep ravine, and as I turned to have
one last look at my father's castle the deceitful ras-
cal suddenly pushed me over the edge." Ojo looked
up with a horrified gasp into Realbad's face. "For-
tunately," went on Realbad, giving Ojo a reassuring
smile, "Mooj did not know of the magic rings given
me by an old fairy at my christening. These rings I
wore always, and they kept me from being crushed
or injured. Well, as I lay stunned and too miserable
to rise at the bottom of the cliff, a band of robbers
happened along. Taking pity on me and I must
have presented a woeful enough appearance - they
picked me up and carried me off to their cave. There
I gradually pulled myself together. Robbed of every-
thing I held most dear I grew bitter and disillusioned,
becoming first a member and later the leader of the
robber band. And an outlaw I have been ever since,"
declared Realbad defiantly, "until chance threw me
into the company of Ojo, my own but unknown son,
and this honest bear. The rest you know," he fin-
ished seriously.
"The rest, I will tell you," announced Unc Nunkie,
rising grandly in his place, and for the first time in
Dorothy's memory speaking fluently and rapidly.
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"After Ree Alla Bad's banishment and while I was
still imprisoned, a son was born to the queen. Word
of it was brought to me by one of the guards and I
was greatly distressed Knowing that Mooj would
destroy this boy as he had already destroyed his
father and his grandfather, I bribed the guard with
my gold watch and managed to escape. Going at
night to Isomere's apartment, I begged her to give
me her infant son. This she readily agreed to do and
would have come herself, had it been possible. But
the queen was closely watched. So, fearing to rouse
the guards and imperil us all, she gave me the boy,
and bravely stayed behind. Resolved never to reveal
my identity nor his, I made my way out of Seebania,
traveling on and on until I came to the center of
an impenetrable forest. Here I found a little house,
and here I brought up Ojo in comfort and safety.
When it was no longer safe or comfortable, I took
him to the Emerald City of Oz."
"No wonder you never talked," sympathized Dor-
othy, with an admiring glance. "No wonder you be-
came known as 'the silent one.
"Worth it." Lapsing into his old habit of brevity,
Unc Nunkie smiled proudly over at Ojo. Then, worn
out by his long, unaccustomed conversation, he sat [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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