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why he wants your help, to convince the people of Earth
that he means them no harm.’
‘But how is he going to dispose of three billion Earth
‘In the Mobilliary there is a poison. The Urbankans of
the Flesh Time secreted it in a gland. It is the deadliest
poison in the universe. It causes organic matter to collapse
in upon itself’
‘What does that mean?’
‘It means, girl, that one trillionth of a gramme would
reduce you to the size of a grain of salt. With this poison,
Monarch will depopulate the Earth.’
Enlightenment, was painting his brave new world in
glowing colours, for the benefit of Adric and the still-
sceptical Nyssa. ‘Surely you can see, my dear young
people? We bring Enlightenment to the people of Earth.’
Nyssa glanced at the elegant figures on the thrones that
‘That too, of course.’
‘Think of it, Nyssa,’ urged Adric. ‘A whole new
technology, a whole new world. No more hunger, no more
wars, fine schools—’
‘Fine tyranny!’
Enlightenment said calmly, ‘You must guard against the
arrogance of the scientist, Nyssa. As a bioengineer, you
more than most should marvel at the brilliance of our
Monarch. He led us from the Urbankan slime to conquer
first the land, then the elements, and finally to develop the
greatest technology in the universe.’
‘Do not be too hard on the child, Enlightenment,’ said
Monarch benignly. ‘She has spirit and courage, a lively
independence, qualities that will be of great use to us. She
will come round to our way of seeing things in the end.’
‘I won’t come round to the acceptance of tyranny,’ said
Nyssa determinedly. ‘I can never forget that my father was
killed by a tyrant.’
‘I think you’re being a bit unfair,’ protested Adric. ‘You
really can’t compare his Majesty here to the Master.’
Monarch was greatly intrigued. ‘And who is this
‘A Time Lord, like the Doctor, your Majesty,’ said
Adric. ‘He is the Doctor’s greatest enemy.’
Bigon was revealing more horrors, still in the same placid
voice. ‘Unless Monarch is stopped, he will eventually
destroy the Earth, just as he destroyed Urbanka.’
The Doctor looked surprised. ‘I thought he said
Urbanka’s sun was a supernova?’
‘That is a lie. Monarch exhausted Urbanka of its
minerals, then polluted it with his technology. Eventually
the pollution destroyed the ozone layer, and the ultra-
violet light of the sun scorched Urbanka.’ Bigon paused.
‘All this was done in pursuit of his greatest plan—to travel
faster than light. Monarch is obsessed with solving the
riddle of the origin of the universe.’
‘Got it!’ said the Doctor suddenly. ‘He thinks that to
travel faster than light would be to go backwards in time,
back to the Big Bang?’
‘And beyond,’ said Bigon solemnly. ‘Monarch believes
he will find himself there. He believes he is God.’
‘I grieve for you, my child, that your father should have
met such a fate.’ There was honeyed sympathy in
Monarch’s voice. He turned to Adric. ‘So this Doctor of
yours is what is called a Time Lord?’
‘Whence comes his power?’
‘From his people—the other Time Lords.’
‘And who gave them their power?’
‘I’m not sure. Sometimes the Doctor speaks of someone
called Rassilon.’
‘There is a legend about someone called Rassilon,’ said
Enlightenment suddenly. ‘He is the one who is said to have
found the Eye of Harmony.’
‘You know very well, Enlightenment, that I regard such
stories as mere superstition.’
‘Yes, your Majesty.’
Monarch’s bulging eyes glowed like fiery coals as he
stared deep into Adric’s. ‘Tell me more of your Time Lord
Doctor, boy. He seems a most agreeable person.’
‘I suppose he is.’
‘With a powerful mind?’
‘Oh yes.’
‘I like that. I like that very much. Tell me, has he any
powers outside his machine?’
‘Well, he’s got two hearts,’ said Adric helpfully.
‘That must make him very vulnerable.’
‘And he can put himself into a trance which suspends all
life functions.’
‘A useful gift. Now, tell me more of this machine of his.’
‘What is the meaning of this name?’
‘TARDIS—Time and Relative Dimensions In Space,’
said Adric obligingly.
‘Fascinating. The machine appears very small. Is it not
uncomfortable for all of you?’
‘Oh no. The inside is in a different dimension.’
Adric chattered on. ‘It’s large inside. In fact it’s very
‘Why don’t you shut up, Adric?’ shouted Nyssa.
‘Mind your manners, my dear,’ said Monarch agreeably.
But there was such menace in his voice that Nyssa fell
silent. Once again, Monarch fixed Adric with his
penetrating stare. ‘Go on, my boy. What is inside this
‘Well, it’s got a control room, a power room, a living
quarter, a swimming bath. It’s even got cloisters.’
Enlightenment whispered to Monarch’s ear. ‘A covered
walkway, your Majesty, an architectural feature of
educational and ecclesiastical establishments on Earth.’
‘All these things are inside this TARDIS, boy?’
‘Oh yes, your Majesty.’
‘Fascinating!’ Monarch fell to brooding, the great green
head sunk on his chest. ‘I would see these wonders for
‘I’m sure the Doctor would be only too pleased to show
you round,’ offered Adric cheerfully. ‘He’s really the only
one of us who understands how it operates.’
‘Oh, I like that,’ said Monarch enthusiastically. ‘Would
you ask the Doctor if he would let me see inside his
‘Of course, your Majesty. I’ll go and see if he’s in his
Adric headed for the door. Nyssa made to follow,but
Monarch growled, ‘Not you. Take her!’
The warrior guard took hold of Nyssa’s arm. He was
inhumanly strong and there was nothing she could do.
Monarch smiled down at her. ‘I have other plans for
you, my child.’
Nyssa struggled wildly, but it was quite useless.
‘What are you going to do?’
Monarch said, ‘Do not be afraid. One only harms that
which one fears. Why should I harm you—when soon you
will be one of us?’
Tegan’s Gamble [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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