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Mike Stan, friend, the other bastard that took him four years ago, associate of Sidney s father moved
in front of the cage. He remembered the man from years before when Sidney s father had captured
him. The man crossed his arms over his chest and coldly glared at Stefan, almost daring him to do
something about it, and Stefan did something. He rattled his cage, rocking it back and forth, as
much as he could.
 You son of a bitch! Stefan snarled, hate clearly showing in his eyes.  When I get my hands on
 Oh, I don t think that will be happening anytime soon, Mike told him in a soft voice with a grin
on his face.  You know I have been searching for you. He paced around the cage, appearing to be
sizing Stefan up.  For so long. He stopped walking and stand in front of Stefan again.  Too long.
 And now you ve found me. Stefan s voice held a hint of malice.  So let s cut to the fucking chase
here. What could you want with me?
Mike tapped his finger on his lip. He appeared to be thinking hard about something.  I couldn t
imagine what kind of hold you might have on her. I just had to see for myself. Why would she
spread her legs for the likes of you? What would make a girl like Sidney give up her home and her
family for you? The words were ugly and hateful. Mike circled the cage, surveying Stefan
distastefully.  You know, I still can t see what it is that has attracted her to you.
 You sound bitter. Did the one you love reject your sorry ass? Stefan smiled.  Maybe it was that
charming personality of yours. I m sure it would turn the warmest heart to fucking stone.
Mike laughed a deep humorless sound.  It s nice to see that, after all this time, you still have a sense
of humor.
 What do you want? Stefan was tired of this game. He wanted to get to the point of this, get the
fuck out of here, kick the shit out of this prick, and get to Sidney.  And don t give me that bullshit
about wanting me to change for your sick fucking pleasure.
 Nothing now. I have obtained my desire. Mike met Stefan s gaze directly.
Looking in his eyes, Stefan saw everything. He saw that this time it didn t have to do with him. This
had to do with Sidney. A new sense of anger and hate hit him in the gut. Never had Stefan had such
an urge to kill, and this time he wanted to rip this fucker s throat out and watch him die.  She won t
be with you! Stefan roared.
 Oh, she will do what I want if for no other reason than for you. Mike turned on his heel and
moved to Sidney. Stefan growled, low and deep.  She will do as I say. If she wants you to live that
 So you think! Stefan looked hard at him, knowing his eyes had to be red with his anger.  I won t
be caged forever, Mike.
 Who said anything about forever, dog? I only need you there long enough for her to come to.
Stefan snarled and growled a low, warning sound as Mike picked Sidney up. He rattled his cage again
when Mike rushed out of the room, and then he howled at the top of his lungs. Stefan couldn t
stand the thought of Mike putting his hands on her filling her head with lies, but he couldn t stop
it. His rage knew no bounds, but until the moon was full and high, he could do nothing. He would
be in heat, and his strength would match his anger only then could he do something to stop him.
* * * *
Mike carried Sidney up the stairs and away from the animal that he knew was trashing her mind.
When he entered his room, he set her in the center of the bed and sat back, allowing his gaze to
travel over her. The last four years had been good to her. She was even more beautiful than he
remembered. Mike thought she would be perfect for his son, Josh.
Josh was a lot like Mike and had the same passion about the threat of werewolves, so Mike knew he
would protect Sidney with his life. It was really a shame that Josh wasn t here now. Mike would love
to show that animal down in the basement what a man could do and would do with a woman like
Sidney. An animal such as that didn t deserve her. Josh did! Besides, having Josh marry Sidney would [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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