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His gaunt lover laughed softly.  Yes, just like that.
He was given more kisses, slow and soft, Bertoli s long fingers coming to cup his face,
skin almost cool as they stroked him. He lost himself in them, eyes wanting to close, but he
forced them open. Watching. Bertoli s tongue slid against his, lips moving and caressing.
They were both panting, breathing heavily when their lips finally parted and Bertoli
stood.  Come, my dear.
Dent found himself standing, following before he even thought about it.
Insane. Mad. But right. Perfectly right.
Bertoli gave him a beaming smile, laughing softly. The sound was so happy and that
smile was lighting up his lover s face.
The room was warm, Bertoli touching up the heat before nodding to the table.  All ready
for you, my dear.
 I don t want to disappoint you, Bertoli.
 You have never disappointed me. Never. The word was softly, but reverently spoken,
Bertoli s eyes hot, sure.
He stepped into the circle of Bertoli s arms.  Never?
Bertoli shook his head.  Not once, Dent. I swear on my own life.
His back was stroked, Bertoli s touches light. He relaxed, leaned into the touch, let
Bertoli ease him down onto the table, stretch him out.
The soft laughter was familiar, as soothing as the hands that slid over his skin.  The cuffs
first, my dear. Just you and I and our ritual.
He couldn t stop the shiver, the motions driven by adrenaline, by anticipation.
Bertoli s hands were so gentle, but the cuffs were locked tight around his wrists.  Can
you feel them, my dear? Holding you down for me?
 Yes. It s different than when & when they & they hurt. This was different.
 I know. They didn t care for you like I do. What they did was torture. What we do is for
our pleasure, for our need. Bertoli gave him a quick kiss and then cuffed his ankles, fingers still
gentle, careful touches on his skin.
The room was quiet, no drone of engines running in the background, just the softness of
the peace between them broken only by their breathing and the soft laughter of his lover. Dent let
himself relax, let himself feel things. Let himself believe in their need. His and Bertoli s.
The washing was soothing, even if the drying water seemed to leach warmth from his
skin. It was familiar, though, how they always began. There had been no water, no cleaning
 Talk to me? It wasn t so terribly hard to ask.
 Hmm? Oh! Of course, of course. Bertoli laughed.  I missed you, you know. So very
much. I didn t know you d been kidnapped and I admit I was angry & well, no, if I were to be
honest I d admit that I was hurt, that you would stay away for so long.
 I was never very good at staying away from you. Even at the beginning.
Bertoli laughed loudly.  No. No, you weren t. You loved what I did to you. Not that you
would admit it. The chuckles continued as his body was touched everywhere, cleaned.  The
alcohol swab now, and then we ll be ready to begin.
 It was difficult. It still is. He could trust now. He could begin to believe.
 Yes. You always fight me so. His nose was kissed, Bertoli s grin wide.  I do love a
challenge. Bertoli rubbed his hands together and snapped on latex gloves.  What shall we do
today, my dear? I have some lovely vibrating sounds we haven t tried yet, interesting enema
kits & 
 I & I don t &  Interesting and enema were not words that went together.
 Oh, you enjoy it far more than you re willing to admit to yourself, let alone me. Bertoli
laughed and poked through his trays.  Oh, this one will be fun!
Oh & He & Uh & That laugh was &
Familiar and distressing and odd.
He was shown tubing with a purple, flared head. It wasn t very wide, but it was bumpy.
 It vibrates!
He shook his head, heart pounding.  It s purple. And bumpy.
Bertoli cackled.  Yes, well a lot of things that are custom made for the club are purple,
aren t they? Hercules is a little obsessed.
Dent tilted his head, surprised. Tickled. Honestly, deeply tickled. He started laughing,
deep belly laughs that almost hurt.
 Listen to you! Bertoli laughed with him, eyes dancing and so happy.
One of Bertoli s hands rested on his belly, the other on his chest, Bertoli feeling his
laughter. It slowly died away into periodic chuckles, leaving him breathing hard, heart pounding. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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