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It didn't matter to Aiden. He grabbed my arm once again
and flung me into the room, shutting the door behind us.
"What?" I asked.
"I should be asking you. What did you hear?" He asked
me suspiciously.
"You mean...what did I hear you guys say?" I said.
"What else? Tell me!" He demanded.
"Well, something about..." I froze. I honestly couldn't
remember the words that had been exchanged. "Roger,
something about killing someone, something about telling, you
and Holst were arguing, you swore..." I stopped. "Is that what
you wanted me to say?"
I heard what they had said, but I didn't know what it
meant. I mean, I understood it, but I didn't comprehend it.
"Nevermind, then." Aiden said quickly. "We've got to get
to him before tonight. Or both of you are going to die."
"Who?" I asked.
"You don't know? I thought you were eavesdropping." He
said sarcastically. "Edgar Adams... you remember him, of
"Edgar Adams? Why is he here?" I asked. "They're going
to kill us? Why?"
It was the thing I dreaded most, but I didn't think it was
going to come so quickly. At least, not tonight.
"Because Holst's been after him since he found out he
knew Ivan Gardner, your old man. And Holst, is well, let's just
say, an old friend of your dad. And he's never been able to get
Adams until we got you, because you are the bait."
So that was why they had kidnapped bait. To use me as
bait for someone else.
"Wait a minute, Edgar Adams was there the night you
kidnapped me? Why didn't you get to him there?"
"We didn't know he was going to be there. Holst had
other business that he deemed more important, so I led instead.
And none of us knew who Edgar Adams was." Aiden said with
much bitterness.
"Okay, but why is it so important for Holst to find my
dad? And couldn't he have just asked me?"
"No, because you don't seem to be very bright. He didn't
think you would know anything because you haven't seen him
for years. But you are still very important to your dad, and
Adams knows that. He's been guarding the secret for more than
a decade now, and I know he's not going to tell." He explained.
"Guarding what secret?" I asked.
"Where your father is. He is the only person who knows."
Aiden said.
"I know too."
At that, Aiden immediately asked, "Where?"
I looked at him hesitantly.
"I won't tell. Promise."
"How can I trust you?" I asked.
"I'll bring you to Adams. You guys can talk." He said.
That was an intersting prospect. It tempted me. Edgar
Adams was my only connection at this point to someone back
"My dad lives in England, in Newcastle."
"Is that a lie?"
Immediately, I regreted telling him the truth. How much
better it would've been if I had just told him that my father lived
in somewhere called New York. I prayed that Aiden would not
tell Holst what I had just told him.
He looked like he was trying to find a trace of dishonesty
in my face.
"Why did you tell me?" He asked.
"You promised not to tell." That was my answer, but I
realized that it was the stupidest thing. "And Newcastle isn't a
small town, and I want to talk to Edgar Adams." I added quickly.
I don't think Aiden bought my futile attempt to cover up
my stupidity.
"How old are you?" He asked after a long while.
"Almost fourteen." I answered.
"I guess that explains it to some extent. Thirteen is a
naive age. But I thought you were supposed to be sixteen. I
guess that makes you younger than me then. I'm fifteen."
"Why are you a Sin?" I decided to ask. I desperately
wanted to know what would propel a person to become one.
"I don't have parents. I don't have any family. They just
found me, and for the first time in my life, I felt powerful and
accepted. It's that simple." Aiden answered showing no
I think I understood that.
He went over to his bed and crouched down to retrieve a
box from underneath it. He took out some things I did not
recognize and put them inside his jacket pockets.
"Let's go."
"Where?" I asked.
"Down to the dungeons. Where Adams is waiting."
A Meeting With My Father's Friend
"This place has a dungeon now. Wonderful." I said in a
sarcastic manner. Things really did seem to be getting more
bizarre by the minute.
Aiden didn't answer.
"You know, I've never been in a dungeon before. What's it
like?" I asked.
"Pretty much the way you picture it, I suppose. You can't
really stray too much from the typical dungeon. It just wouldn't
work." He answered, in a much lighter tone of voice, as we
walked out of his room.
"Just to be safe, you go first, and I'll follow."
"Because Holst might think something's up, if he sees us
walking together. We can't risk it. He's too dangerous."
"I know what you mean." I said, remembering the slit he
had cut on my throat the night before. I felt my neck once more
to make sure I wasn't bleeding. "But why don't you go in first?"
"Because Adams wouldn't trust me. He'd try to hurt me
and Holst would hear."
It made sense, but I couldn't believe Aiden was really
expecting me to go into a dungeon myself with no one else but a
prisoner I hardly knew inside.
"Trust me, it'll be fine. No one else is down there except
I guess that if I wanted to see Edgar Adams, I had to do
as I was told. There was no way out of it.
"Fine. Where is it?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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