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or God-realisation quickly.
35. The best flower that can be offered to the Lord is your heart. Penetrate more deeply into
the infinite domain of Kailasa, the Kingdom of illimitable bliss and boundless peace within.
36. May you be in direct communion with the Lord, thy Ishtam, Guide, Supreme Refuge
and Solace!
1. Yogic Alphabet
Asanas make you strong and healthy and eradicate many diseases.
Bhastrika Pranayama develops lungs, destroys the germs of tuberculosis, augments
lung-power and lung-capacity.
Constipation is removed by the practice of Bhujanga, Salabha and Dhanur Asanas.
Dhanurasana is a combination of Bhujanga and Salabha Asanas.
Eating in moderation, plain living and high thinking help the Yogic student in attaining his
goal quickly.
Fasting eliminates poison, purifies the system and invigorates the cells.
Garbhasana augments the digestive power, increases the appetite and removes many
intestinal diseases.
Halasana makes the spine very supple and elastic.
Indriyas should be controlled by the practice of Pratyahara.
Japa of  Om or  Hari Om should go hand in hand with Asanas and Pranayamas.
Kumbhaka helps to attain longevity and awakens the Kundalini.
Lolasana strengthens the muscles of the arms and forearms.
Mind can be controlled by Vairagya, Abhyasa, Satsanga Vichara, eradication of Vasanas,
destruction of egoism, Pranayama, meditation, and cultivation of virtues, such as mercy,
complacency, self-denial, Santi and Santosha.
Nadi Suddhi can be obtained by the practice of Pranayama.
Oordhva Padmasana checks wet-dreams and transmutes the sexual energy into Ojas.
Paschimottanasana removes fat, increases the gastric fire and eradicates diseases of the
Quetta earthquake is nothing when compared to the agitation caused in the mind by the
turbulent senses.
Regularity in the practice of Asana and Pranayama is indispensably requisite for quick and
solid progress.
Sirshasana is the king of all Asanas. It transmutes seminal energy into Ojas, develops
memory and intellectual capacity, and removes a host of ailments.
Trataka helps concentration of the mind and removes diseases of the eyes.
Uddiyana Bandha imparts beautiful health, strength, vigour and vitality and removes the
disorders of the alimentary system.
Vajrasana removes drowsiness, strengthens the spine, helps digestion and is very useful
for meditation.
Winter is the best time for rigorous practice of Yoga.
Xerostomia (abnormal dryness of the mouth) can be removed by the practice of Sitali and
Sitkari Pranayamas.
Yoga Mudra removes the disorders of the abdomen and awakens Kundalini.
Zerosis is the disease of the eye owing to the deficiency of Vitamin  A . This is removed by
the practice of mild Trataka and Sirshasana.
2. Padmasana
You must be able to sit in an Asana quite steady at a stretch for full three hours. Then only
you will get mastery over the Asana (Asana Jaya). Without securing a steady Asana you cannot get
on well in meditation. The more steady you are in your Asana, the more you will be able to
concentrate and make your mind one-pointed. If you can be steady in the posture even for one hour,
you will be able to acquire one-pointed mind and feel thereby infinite Peace and Atmic Bliss inside.
Four Asanas, viz., Padmasana, Siddhasana, Svastikasana and Sukhasana, are prescribed for
meditative purposes. Rishis like Gheranda, Sandilya and others speak very highly of Padmasana.
This is highly agreeable to householders.
Spread a seat on the ground and take your seat facing North or East. Spread the legs forward.
Take hold of your right foot and keep it on the left thigh and then place the left foot over the right
thigh. Place the hands on the knees. You can make a finger-lock and keep the hands over the left
ankle. Sit erect, keeping the back, neck and head in one straight line. Close your eyes and begin your
Japa and meditation.
3. Siddhasana
Next to Padmasana comes Siddhasana in importance. Young Brahmacharins who attempt
to get established in celibacy should practice this Asana. Sit on your seat. Spread the legs. Take hold
of your left foot and keep the heel at the anus and then place the right heel at the top of the generative
organ. Hands can be placed as in Padmasana.
4. Sirshasana
Sirshasana, Sarvangasana and other exercises are intended for general health, for an
all-round development of the body and for maintaining Brahmacharya. Sirshasana is king of all
Asanas. The seminal energy is transmuted into Ojas-sakti. In this Asana alone the brain can draw [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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