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May brought out pitchers of iced tea and a couple of beers for her extended family. She handed
Carly a tall glass of milk and laughed at the look on her face.
"Drink it it's good fer ya and the little one. Right Doc?"
"Yep, even the wicked Warrior drinks it." She leaned back against Sonny's chest.
"'Cuz she makes me! She is such a bully!" Sonny kissed her wife on the side of her neck and ran
her fingers over her wives swollen belly. "Doc says we both have ta be healthy for the baby, but
I'm the one who got the morning sickness! That was far from healthy, Gods I was so glad when
that was over, I've never been so sick in my life."
Sonny remembered when they had all returned from the clinic in Canada for the procedure to
genetically fertilize their wives eggs with their DNA. They knew the procedure had worked, that
Yancy was pregnant when Sonny woke up with morning sickness for a whole month. Yancy was
sympathetic; she held Sonny's head every morning until the symptoms went away. She told her it
that it was common for spouses to share symptoms, plenty of men had morning sickness when
their wives didn't. Yancy thought it was only fair since her small body would be carrying their
baby for the next 9 months and she would have to go through all that pain at the end.
Sonny was looking forward to seeing their daughter when she was born but the pain she knew
Yancy would put her through during the delivery scared the Hell outta her. Worse was Yancy
wanted a big family, Sonny didn't know if she would survive to many of her wives pregnancies.
She told her she was going to share every single contraction with her by squeezing her hand,
punching, biting. Anything she felt like until it was all over.
May squeezed Sonny's shoulder, winking at her she said. "Just wait, any day now your gonna be
getting no sleep and changing diapers."
Sonny groaned and let her head sink in the area between neck and shoulder of her wife. I
wouldn't have it any other way. She thought to herself as she grinned against Yancy's soft skin.
The end
Whips and Chains.
By Larisa
The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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