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"Two minutes, why?"
She glanced at the toilet, decided not to risk it, reached for a clean washcloth and turned on the taps.
She looked up fast at the exclamation, realized her blasting hot water into the basin must have given him
a shot of cold. "Sorry." She shut the water off. Then she smeared some of her facial cleanser on, dipped
the cloth into the basin and washed her face. She was applying moisturizing night cream when she
glimpsed his long, tanned arm snaking out of the shower, groping for a towel. She handed him one.
"You'rewel  " Before she could finish, he yanked back the curtain and stepped out of the shower. And
then she was stuck there. She couldn't force her errant gaze to move from his body. Good God, it was
incredible. Who would have thought such a jerk would have a body like that? Muscular shoulders,
smooth and hard. Sculpted chest, and abs oh, hell, his abs belonged inPlay-girl. She could wash
laundry on those abs.
"I'mwel & ?" he asked.
"Built," she said.
"Compliments, from you?"
"More like an expression of surprise."
"Shock and awe?"
"Shock, yeah. Not so much of the awe."
He shrugged. "And what would it take to up your awe factor? Just out of curiosity, mind you."
She shrugged right back. "Hell, I don't know. Maybe if you lost the towel?"
He gaped. She grinned, and then he relaxed. "Funny," he said. He reached for his clothes, which he'd
draped over the towel bar. The briefs he tugged free were small, dark blue and clingy. She finally worked
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up the willpower to stop gawking at him and turned around again. But she was all too aware that he was
dropping the towel and pulling those briefs on, and some little devil inside was trying to talk her into
She resisted. Barely.
"You want to stay while I drain the snake?"
"Drain the& ? Oh. That's the tackiest thing I've ever heard."
He shrugged and moved toward the toilet.
She darted out of the bathroom at the speed of light.
But she didn't go far. After closing the door behind her, she remained right there, just outside it Hell, it
pissed her off to no end that she was afraid to be alone in her own house. But damn.
She heard the flush, the water running in the sink. Then he finally stepped out of the bathroom. He didn't
close the door, just held it open. And stood there looking at her.
"Oh, come on. You know you have to. Go on, I'll wait right out here."
She thinned her lips, thought about snapping at him. But hell, he was right She did have to go, and as a
matter of fact it was borderline decent of him to offer to stay close by while she did.
"I don't need you to wait out here for me," she said as she went into the bathroom.
"No, I know you don't But I'll wait here, anyway."
If she didn't dislike him so much, she'd have been grateful. As it was, she could only wonder if he was
storing up all these weaknesses he was discovering in her for future use in the unending battle between
When she came out again, she noticed him looking at her body, and decided she wasn't the only one
with weaknesses. He looked often, every time he thought she might not notice. Could her nemesis be
attracted to her? Damn, she would never let him hear the end of it if he admitted that one!
She led the way back to the living room, flung back the covers and crawled into bed. She really hadn't
been worried about spending the night with Jack. Now, though&
"You aren't going to put on a shirt?" she asked.
"Wasn't wearing a T-shirt," he said. "Can't very well sleep in my button-down."
"I don't know why not. I could."
His eyes changed just a little, lowering slowly. And she got the distinct impression he was picturing her
sleeping in his button-down shirt, and liking the image.
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"This isn't going to be a problem, is it, Jack?" she asked, sliding to one side to make room for him.
He got into the bed beside her, pulled the covers over them both and lay back on the pillows with his
hands folded behind his head. "What isn't?"
The attraction, She thought. The fact that his body turned her on like nobody's business and the feeling
she got that he was having the same reaction to hers. But she wasn't going to be the one to admit it!
"Nothing," she said. "Never mind."
He nodded. "'Night, Brigham."
"'Night, Jack."
She closed her eyes, knowing good and damned well she would never sleep.
He did not seem to have the same problem. In fact, he was snoring softly within ten minutes. And five
minutes after that, he rolled over, and before she knew what to expect, he had wrapped her up tight
against him, imprisoning her there with one arm and one leg. Her face was pressed ; to his utterly
unclothed chest, one arm caught between his belly and hers, and her pelvis was mashed to his groin.
"Oh, great," she whispered.
"Mmm," he replied. And then one of his big hands burrowed into her hair, stroking just a little before
settling down.
Something in her stomach turned a somersault. She tried to tug her arm from where it was trapped
between them, but in the process her hand brushed over his abs, and she stopped what she was doing as
her heart skipped a beat. Lifting her head away from his chest, just a little, she peered up at his face. His
eyes were closed, his breaths deep and steady. Sound asleep. So&
She let her palm rest lightly on his abdomen, and when he didn't stir or react, she moved it just a little, up
and down over the rippling muscles there. God, he must work out like a man driven to have a belly like
this. She'd never touched anything so perfect. So arousing. Too bad it was attached to a man she didn't
"Hey, Kiley?"
She froze, her hand going still.
"You awake?"
That was it, that was it. Just pretend to be asleep. Perfect. She tried to breathe the way a sleeper
breathed, but gradually, so he wouldn't notice the sudden change.
She didn't respond, just kept breathing, kept still.
He drew his arm from around her, eased her from her side onto her back so slowly she knew he was
trying not to wake her. She guessed he didn't want her to realize he'd been holding her so& intimately.
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But no, that wasn't it. A second later, she knew that wasn't it, because he was sitting up, just a little, and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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